
Origami Bunny Face

A simple bunny...great for pasting on Happy New Year cards!

Difficulty: Easy


1. Print and cut out image along outer solid lines.
2. Fold back along diagonal line.
3. Turn your bunny origami over, so that the printed side faces down.

4a. Fold ear down on diagonal line as shown.
4b. Repeat on other side.

5a. Fold ear up as shown.
5b. Repeat on other side.

6a. Turn bunny over with printed side up.
6b. Fold back white "tip" on top of bunny's head.
6c. Repeat with the white corner on bunny's chin. Fold back bunny's cheeks, as illustrated. Now your bunny is pau! (done)!

©2010 Tammy Yee
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