Fold an origami Dollar Bill Aloha Shirt, as a graduation gift or just for fun.

Difficulty: Easy
1. Turning your dollar bill over, fold one end to meet the horizontal center line.

2. Repeat horizontal fold on other side.

3. Fold 1/4 inch back on one end; this will be the collar.

4. Fold diagonally as shown, and repeat on other side, to finish the collar.

5. At opposite end of collar, fold 1/2 inch forward, as shown. This will be the "sleeves."

6. Fold one corner of the sleeve down, diagonally, as shown. Repeat on other side.

7. Open up the diagonal folds. Note how the sleeves are creased as shown.

8. Open up the sleeve on one side, along the diagonal crease, as shown.

9. Repeat on other side.

10. Fold body of shirt up, to just beneath the collar.

11. Tuck the body of the shirt under the collar, as shown, and your origami Dollar Bill Aloha Shirt is finished!

©2009 Tammy Yee

Difficulty: Easy
1. Turning your dollar bill over, fold one end to meet the horizontal center line.
2. Repeat horizontal fold on other side.
3. Fold 1/4 inch back on one end; this will be the collar.
4. Fold diagonally as shown, and repeat on other side, to finish the collar.
5. At opposite end of collar, fold 1/2 inch forward, as shown. This will be the "sleeves."
6. Fold one corner of the sleeve down, diagonally, as shown. Repeat on other side.
7. Open up the diagonal folds. Note how the sleeves are creased as shown.
8. Open up the sleeve on one side, along the diagonal crease, as shown.
9. Repeat on other side.
10. Fold body of shirt up, to just beneath the collar.
11. Tuck the body of the shirt under the collar, as shown, and your origami Dollar Bill Aloha Shirt is finished!
©2009 Tammy Yee