Difficulty: Easy
1. Print and cut out Origami Fish along outer solid lines.
2. With printed side facing up, fold vertically in half along center line.
3. Unfold and turn over, so that the printed side is facing down.
4. Fold diagonally as shown.
5. Repeat diagonal fold on the other side.
6. Your Fish Origami should be creased as illustrated.
7. Turn your paper over. With printed side down, fold along creases, forming a "tent" as illustrated.
8. Fold the dorsal (top) fin back, then up along solid lines.
Repeat with ventral (bottom) fin.
9. Turn your fish over. Fold top tail fin down, then up along solid lines as shown.
Repeat with bottom tail fin.
10. Turn your fish over and you're pau (done)!
©2009 Tammy Yee.
All rights reserved.