How much do you know about these misunderstood mammals? Check out Bats: 10 Essential Bat Facts, Plus Photo Gallery! by Rhishja Larson:
Click on the photo of the white-shouldered bat to read Rhishja's full article, view her slideshow, and learn 10 fascinating facts about bats!

Print and fold an origami bat here:
"Bats may be considered a spooky Halloween mascot, but they are actually one of the most beneficial animals on the planet: 70% of the world’s bat species feed on insects - and one bat can consume up to 1,000 insect pests in an hour. Bats also play a critical role in pollination and seed dispersal.
Despite the fact that bats occur nearly everywhere on earth (except for arctic and desert extremes), 60 species of bats are listed as endangered. And in the U.S., an estimated million or more hibernating bats of six species have been killed by White-nose Syndrome (WNS) in nine states since 2006."
Click on the photo of the white-shouldered bat to read Rhishja's full article, view her slideshow, and learn 10 fascinating facts about bats!

Print and fold an origami bat here: