Easy Butterfly Origami

My new book, Easy Butterfly Origami features 30 bold full-color patterns designed to accurately portray the dorsal and ventral sides of some of the most beautiful butterflies from around the world!

Origami Folding Tips

Origami, from the Japanese ori (to fold) and kami (paper), began in the 6th century when Buddhist monks introduced paper to Japan. The print-and-fold crafts and easy diagrams are designed to help children with fine motor skills, directions and hand eye coordination. Some basic origami folding tips:
  • Print and cut out patterns carefully.
  • Fold with clean, dry hands.
  • Follow the instructions. Study the diagrams and be patient.
  • Be precise: fold each crease well, flattening the creases by running your fingertip over the fold.
  • Folding the paper away from you is easier than folding towards you.
  • Be creative...use your origami on greeting cards, holiday decorations, table place cards and bookmarks.

Thanksgiving: Pilgrim Boy and Girl Origami

Print and fold an Origami Pilgrim Boy or Girl. Craft idea: Glue onto folded card stock to create your own Thanksgiving cards.

Difficulty: Easy

Directions: Follow the same directions used for the Cinco De Mayo Boy Origami:

1a. Print and cut out doll face along outer solid line.
1b. Cut out Pilgrim doll body along outer solid line.
1c. Turn doll body over so that the printed side is facing down.

2a. Crease along diagonal line as shown. Unfold.
2b. Repeat crease along diagonal line on other side, as shown. Unfold.
2c. Turn origami over so that the printed side faces up.
2d. Crease down along horizontal line as shown. Unfold.

3a. With printed side facing down, carefully "tent" fold upper body forward, as shown.
3b. Fold doll's legs forward, as shown.
3c. Repeat on other side.

4a. Glue head onto body.
4b. Your Pilgrim Origami is finished!

Happy Thanksgiving!

©2009 Tammy Yee. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or altered without consent.

Thanksgiving Origami Turkey Card

Fold an Origami Thanksgiving Turkey and make a card to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to a loved one.

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate


1a. Print Turkey Origami.

1b. Print Happy Thanksgiving Card, preferably on card stock or heavy paper.

2a. Cut out Turkey Origami.
2b. Cut along bold red lines, as shown by red arrows.
2c. Fold turkey tail feather back, as shown by blue arrow.

 3. Accordion fold tail feathers, back and forth, as shown.

4. Repeat accordion folds on other side.

5. Fold body up as shown.

6a. Fold turkey body forward to center, as shown.
6b. Repeat on other side.

7. Fold turkey's head down, as shown.

8a. Fold corners of turkey body back, as shown.
8b. Fold top of tail back, as shown.

9a. Grasping tip of tail, pull down to open accordion pleats, as shown.
9b. Repeat on other side.

10. Fold bottom of body back, as shown, then glue onto Happy Thanksgiving Day card.

Happy Thanksgiving!

©2009 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Thanksgiving: "Giving Thanks" Paper Bag Turkey Craft

A fun and easy centerpiece children can make with a few supplies and these printable designs. Parental guidance needed.

1 small paper bag
glue or tape
printed turkey template


1. Stuff small paper bag with tissue paper or paper towels. Twist and seal end.

2. Print and cut out "Giving Thanks" Paper Bag Turkey Craft sheets (2 pages).

3. Assemble head by taping or gluing tabs, then cover sealed end of paper bag with paper turkey head and secure with tape or glue. (I cut a slit in the back of the head so that it fits more snugly against the paper bag body.)

4. Glue or tape turkey wings and tail to body.

5. Write down things that your children are thankful for--friends, family, health, etc.--on each feather and glue or tape onto turkey tail.

Happy Thanksgiving!

©2010 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Thanksgiving Turkey Projects

Here's a Thanksgiving Turkey to print for place cards, napkin rings and greeting cards. For place cards, use a 3"x5" blank index card, folded in half. For napkin rings, use a cardboard paper towel roll cut into 1" lengths, OR use the printed pattern. For Thanksgiving greeting cards, fold a blank letter-sized paper in half and decorate.

©2011 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Thanksgiving Turkey Gift Bag

Print and fold a Thanksgiving Turkey Gift Bag.


Print on hard card stock. Cut out on outer lines, fold on dashed lines and secure with glue or tape. Punch holes in top and add ribbon.

Happy Thanksgiving!

©2013 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Hawaiian Thanksgiving Greetings

Send Hawaiian-style Kālua Turkey Thanksgiving greetings to family and friends!

In Hawaii, Thanksgiving is celebrated just as it is on the mainland United States: with family, friends, and lots of food. Alongside the traditional turkey and stuffing, you'll likely find island favorites like sushi, noodles, rice and poke (Hawaiian raw fish salad).

To add an island flavor to the Thanksgiving meal, locals will sometimes prepare the turkey in an an imu. The imu is a traditional Hawaiian oven created by digging an earthen pit and lining it with rocks. Once the flames have died down and the rocks are very hot, the imu is lined with green banana leaves and palm fronds. Kālua turkey and pork steamed in an imu is ono (delicious)!

1. Animated Kālua Turkey GIF for websites and email:

2. Print and Fold a Hawaiian Kālua Turkey Card:

Directions for folding your Print and Fold Kālua Turkey Thanksgiving Card:

©2013 Tammy Yee

Wild Turkey Origami

Eastern wild turkey. Photo by Dimus.
The wild turkey, the largest and heaviest of all gamefowls, is native to North America and ithe official state bird of Alabama and Massachusetts.

The Eastern wild turkey is found in woodlands and savannas throughout the eastern U.S. and up into Canada, where they scrounge on forest floors and through grasslands for nuts, seeds, fruits, insects and salamanders. They were a favored food of Native Americans, and the first turkey encountered by the Puritans.

Turkeys, with their distinctive red wattles (males only), fanned tails and gobbling, have become so much a part of our national heritage and our traditional celebrations that's it hard to imagine an America without them. Yet, by the early part of the 20th century, hunting and the loss of woodland forests threatened to wipe them out. Fortunately, with intensive wild turkey reintroduction programs to relocate the birds to their native habitats, wild turkeys are here to stay.

Fun Fact:
Benjamin Franklin preferred the wild turkey as the national bird:
"For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him...

With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping & Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward... 

I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America... He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on."

Print and fold a Turkey origami.

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate


1a. Print Turkey Origami.

2a. Cut out Turkey Origami.
2b. Cut along bold red lines, as shown by red arrows.
2c. Fold turkey tail feather back, as shown by blue arrow.

 3. Accordion fold tail feathers, back and forth, as shown.

4. Repeat accordion folds on other side.

5. Fold body up as shown.

6a. Fold turkey body forward to center, as shown.
6b. Repeat on other side.

7. Fold turkey's head down, as shown.

8a. Fold corners of turkey body back, as shown.
8b. Fold top of tail back, as shown.

9a. Grasping tip of tail, pull down to open accordion pleats, as shown.
9b. Repeat on other side.

10. Fold bottom of body back, as shown, then glue onto Happy Thanksgiving Day card.

©2013 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2009 Tammy Yee
All rights reserved. No portion of this web site may be reproduced without prior written consent.